Monday 21 September 2015

Personal Ranting: AD Schema Extension (Part 2)

The first part of this series was written to out of "frustration" because of the confrontation of your potential customers. Knowing part one should adequately should adequately allow you to answer your customer's query.

Second part is more illustrate how to perform AD schema extension while the third part "Did you know" series what will you do when you hit issues. 

The steps are fairly simple:

Permission required:

"Schema Admins" & "Enterprise Admins" rights

Tool required: 


• Create "System Management" folder under "System" container in ADSI edit. 

• Grant site server access to the above folder. (Add full control plus make sure the access is applied to "This object and all descendants objects" )

• Double click "extadsch.exe"

• Log will be created at the root of the hard disk. 
To ensure that these lists are current for your version of System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, review the ConfigMgr_ad_schema.LDF file that is located in the\SMSSETUP\BIN\x64 folder of the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager installation media.

Above are fairly simple steps but often face with violent opposition. But thing is just imagine that a spreadsheet (schema) has only ten columns and requires more columns (extend schema) to hold the information to make SCCM more useful, would you want to skip this step?

Happy reading!


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