Friday 26 February 2016

SCU 2016 APAC: Malaysia & Austrialia

This year's SCU 2016 APAC will be held in two places: 

8th & 9th March 2016:

11th March 2016:

Wishing the event a big success and hope that you guys will be there in person as well! :) 


SCU 2016 Dallas TX: SCCM Videos Highlight

After a long wait from the the previous post:

Here are some of the video highlights that I have watched so far: 

The Other 85%: Patching 3rd Party Apps in SCCM

Duncan McAlynn touches on how HEAT software can act as a plugin to help SCCM extend its capabilities to patch 3rd party software, better yet, you could tap on SCCM ADR feature to perform the patching. 

Software Updates by Example

Jason Sandys touches the details and the pit fall of software updates, towards the end of the video he also introduce a right click tool done by Nickolaj Andersen.

Windows 10 Deployment - Expert level,

The title says it all, one of my favourite deployment gurus Johan Arwidmark

Migrate your infrastructure to Configuration Manager 1511 - Notes from the Field

Avoid migration pitfall with Kent Agerlund

Hope you guys enjoy the video highlights and spend sometime watching it! :) 

Happy watching!


CU: CU3 For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP2 and System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1

New CU was release yesterday:

Most of the problems are stated here:

If you are experiencing issues that are found in the above KB, you might want to an update. 

Happy patching! :) 


Monday 15 February 2016

Future Of SCCM

There was 2 webinars this month that caught my attention, both webinars were talking about SCCM 1511 lead by one of my favourite SCCM guru Kent Agerlund. I don't know when it will be taken away, go watch while you still have the chance, both webinars are pretty informative: 

Part 1 of the Webinar:

Part 2 of the Webinar:

Enjoy watching! :) 


HOTFIX: "Browse Windows App Packages" dialog box is missing for SCCM 1511

There is a fix for the above issue. Take a look now: 

Happy reading! :) 


Monday 1 February 2016

Home Made SCCM Videos: Log File Investigation Series Part 1

This is an continuation to previous video: 

In this episode I will touch on the workflow of a typical software distribution cycle, once we understand the workflow we can match the respective log file to the workflow which will be easier for administrator to troubleshoot any issues that arises from software distribution: 

Here's the blog that compliments the above video: 

I hope you guys enjoy this video!. :) 

Happy watching.