Monday 31 August 2015

Log File Investigation Part 6 (Software Update End To End Log Investigation)

I actually enjoy mapping out the process because I feel that apart from giving me a better understanding of the software update process it will help the front end personnel to troubleshoot their patching more effectively.  

I have shared the above logs file mapping with my colleagues and so far they felt that it is easier for them as they know which log file to target at and to analyse. Of course, if you know which log file to read or have your own preference you don't to follow the above chart. 

Don't forget my earlier series as well: 

Happy investigating! :) 


Wednesday 26 August 2015

Log File Investigation Part 5 (Software Update End To End Overview)

Having 4 parts of the earlier investigation series, I was thinking how improve it, surely there must be something that can be improved. Looking back at the previous blogs, we are looking at on the spot log file troubleshooting. 

While there is nothing wrong with that, an example of windows patches deployment, we take a look at UpdateDeployment.log to see if we have deployment issue. While there is nothing wrong with this approach, I was thinking why not me map out the end to end work flow. 

Surely this will help us greatly in which log file. The below workflow is basically base on my understanding from reading the below technet article;

There was some sort of flowchart in SCCM 2007 but not for SCCM 2012. In this series, I will begin with Software Updates workflow: 

You will see 2 grouped clusters, one cluster is from the server end while the other will be on the client end, in the future series I will map the process with all the necessary log files so that it will be easier for the administrator to jump into which log file to look. (More importantly, save time) 

Don't forget my earlier log investigation series: 

Happy reading! :) 


Monday 24 August 2015

Sorting Out Client Version Numbers

With SCCM 2012 coming out with the latest version of SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 CU1, I think it is timely to see what are the version and build of the clients. Usually we be stumbled by the version of client the machine is using. Apart from my previous blog post that you could use CM Service Extension

Or you could use the link here which maintains a nice version table. 



Wednesday 19 August 2015

Configuration Manager 2016 Technical Preview 3

One month plus and here's another Tech Preview. You could go to MS eval center to try out the features: 

The main feature of the updates are found here:

Guess they finally decided to make SCCM HA ready. 

Have fun trying :)