Friday 31 July 2015

Configuration Manager Service Extension

This is actually not a new thing, it was available for download since last year. But with the upcoming of many product updates, it will be pretty tough for administrators to keep up with the pace, so this nice little extension tool comes in handy to check on the latest news for SCCM.

The tool can be downloaded from here. It is free of course.  And there is the page long user guide over here. Installation process is very straightforward, you need a few clicks and you are good to go. Since the application will be installed in the SCCM console, you could installed in your client machine console instead of your production server console.

Below screenshots were take from Windows 7 machine:

Go to Administration pane, and you will see "Site Servicing", you will see recent news about SCCM. By the you will need internet connection to see all this news feeds. 

Releases field will let you see what are the latest releases of CU and SP

Site versions will be helpful as it translate the base version of your SCCM to "readable" format. Sometimes you see "Access Denied" in the fields, you could actually overcome the issues by running the console as administrator to resolve this issue.

Client targeting particularly useful as it helps you to create a query base on the latest CU or SP news.  

Click on 'Create Query' base on the KB article as shown above.

Go to Monitor pane, and you should see your query created, this actually helps you to ensure that your environment clients are patched with the latest SCCM  updates.
Then of course, who can miss the technical blog from SCCM team? :) 

Hope you guys find this tool useful! :) 


Saturday 18 July 2015

Port Query Tool

During a start of an implementation project, you would probably ask your client have you turn on the necessary ports? Chances are they would have told you they have their ports turned on. Then in the midst of implementing see weird errors or for some weird reasons some of the components are unable to install. (Especially your Distribution Point) 

So in order to appear smart in front of the customer, you could use this port query tool (Free download from Microsoft) and check the relevant ports, I have amended the XML file so that it will easier to select which query to choose from. 

The original download can be found here: 

The modified version of the port query tool: 

Gives you a drop down list and see where you want to start your query from. Example, if you have some issue with AD, you can copy the tool in SCCM site server and run against your AD as show above. 

The port query results will show that which port number that the site server has issues communicating with. 

This will be useful proof to show to the network team and get them to turn off the firewall rules etc. 

You can download the files here: 

For the list of ports SCCM use, you can find the it in my previous blog here

Have fun! :) 


Sunday 12 July 2015

Using PowerShell To Check The OS Architecture

This post was actually inspired by the previous post: 

I was thinking using Powershell instead, the previous batch file serves the purpose, check for that particular folder and wah la you got your program installed. But I want to tap on Powershell's advance feature to ensure that the machine is really on 64 bit OS to install. 

So here goes: 

$OSArchitecture = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object OSArchitecture -ErrorAction Stop).OSArchitecture
if ($OSArchitecture -eq '64-bit')
{& path:\a.exe}
{& path:\b.exe}

The idea is to use Powershell to check on the OS architecture. The strings behind Win32_OperatingSystem can be found here

You will need to change the variable yourself for the software path. 

Afterwards you can deploy the a batch file to invoke the above Powershell script to install the programs. Make sure you add in the required installation parameters as well. 

In case you do not know how to use a batch file to run Powershell scripts you can take a look of my previous posts on simple scripting to get the job done: 



Wednesday 1 July 2015

Using Batch File To Check The OS Architecture

Today is a interesting day, whereby client wanted to deploy 2 versions Java (32 and 64 bits) to client machines.

One of the easier method is to use "Platform requirements" under Package:

and the other deployment method, choose "Requirements" under Application deployment to allow the package to detect the OS architecture of the client to install the appropriate version of the software.

The above method works fine, if you deploy just a 32 bit application, or you could exclude the OS versions. But you what if you have specific requirements that you need to deploy the 32 and 64 bits applications to respective OS? Well you could deploy two times or you use the following batch file to deploy: 

@echo off
SET AppName=JAVA83_Install

IF NOT EXIST "%LogLoc%" (
MKDIR "%LogLoc%"
ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - %LogLoc% created >> %LogLoc%\%AppName%.log
) ELSE (
ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - %AppName% started >> %LogLoc%\%AppName%.log

IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)" ("amd64/03-Java83.exe" /s) else ("x86/03-Java83.exe" /s)

ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - checking processor architecture - %CPUArch% >> %LogLoc%\%AppName%.log
ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - Starting JAVA 8 U31 Installation on %computername% >> %LogLoc%\%AppName%.log
ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - Exit Code is - %ErrorCode% >> %LogLoc%\%AppName%.log
ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - Exiting Installation >> %LogLoc%\%AppName%.log
Exit %ErrorCode%



Copy and paste the above batch command, save as "CMD" or "BAT" . Change the files location and application name on the highlighted portion and deploy it under "Package" and you are good to go. 

This lead me to think, can I use Powershell to achieve it instead? :) 

Give you guys a update soon, hope you guys like it. 

Have fun.